Telugu actor Allu Arjun has been arrested by the police in connection with the death of a woman during the premiere of his latest movie Pushpa 2. A video of the same has surfaced where police personnels are seen taking the actor in custody. As per recent update, he will be kept in a 14-days custody. The stampede victim’s husband is even ready to withdraw case against Allu Arjun.
Allu Arjun raises objection on arrest
A video of the arrest has emerged online, in which the National Award-winning actor can be seen exiting his residence and moving towards the police car. The actor’s father Allu Aravind, brother Allu Sirish, and wife Sneha Reddy were also present at the time of arrest. Before entering the car, the Pushpa 2 actor was seen having coffee, and speaking to his wife. However, sources say that actor Allu Arjun has raised objections regarding the manner of his arrest. He claimed that the police did not allow him to finish his breakfast and stated that he was taken directly from his bedroom without being given a chance to change his clothes.
Actor #AlluArjun arrested days after a woman was killed in a stampede at a 'Pushpa 2' screening in Hyderabad.
— Prayag (@theprayagtiwari) December 13, 2024
But what's his fault? Isn't crowd control the police's responsibility?
Deceased husband ready to withdraw case
The husband of Revathi, who died in the stampede, is now ready to take back the case. Speaking to the media, Revathi’s husband, Bhaskar said, “My son wanted to watch the movie so I took him to the Sandhya Theatre. There Allu Arjun came and that was not his fault. We are ready to withdraw the case. The police also didn’t inform me about arresting him. I saw Allu Arjun’s arrest news on my mobile when I was at the hospital. Allu Arjun has no relation to that incident and he came to the theatre. I am ready to withdraw the case.”
About the incident
On December 4, a massive crowd gathered at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad to see Allu Arjun. This resulted in a tragic stampede. Revathi, a 39-year-old woman, died due to asphyxiation, and her 8-year-old son was hospitalised. Following a complaint from her family, police registered a case on December 5 against Allu Arjun, his security team, and the theatre’s management